Bay of Islands: ex-HMNZS Caterbury shipwreck
Posted by daveb on March 24th, 2009
“I penetrated Her Majesty’s wreck!”, proudly exclaims our diving instructor’s t-shirt. A much bigger boat than the Rainbow Warrior, the Canterbury was decommissioned, stripped of most sticky-outy bits and deliberately sunk about two years ago just off the coast of the Bay of Islands. As a young wreck, not too many fish have made it their home just yet, although the experts predict that within a few years it’ll easily rival the Rainbow Warrior for colourful reef- and sea life. To give you an idea of its size and scale, you can click here to see a photograph of the HMNZS Canterbury in it’s former glory.
It was a great dive indeed. We got to swim more or less front-to-back, entering the captain’s bridge and helicopter hangar, and poking our heads into some of the other rooms along the way on the rails of the deck. It’s actually quite fascinating to see a complete, perfectly-upright shipwreck underwater — I only wish that we had a ‘proper’ underwater camera with which to bring you photographs. Alas, we don’t.
Two more dives and a theory-recap later and I officially gained my “Advanced” Scuba-diving certificate. Congratulations to me!
We’ve had a lot of fun in the Bay of Islands and the weather–not withstanding one downpour–has been very kind to us too. Now it’s time to leave and we’ve decided to return south and spend our last few days in Auckland, New Zealand’s biggest city — and often mistakenly thought of as being the capital (it’s not, Wellington is).
Filed under New Zealand |
Comment from Mum N.
Time: March 26, 2009, 9:51 am
Wow, not only are you the MOST ROMANTIC MAN IN THE WORLD but also an advanced scuba diver . Is there no end to your talents DaveB ?
Love Mumxx
Comment from daveb
Time: March 30, 2009, 6:55 am
@Mum N: Yes, yes, I’m afraid there *is* a very real end to my talents… and it’s called a television interview with an Antipodean Head of State. (Coming soon…)
Comment from Lee Robinson
Time: May 13, 2011, 3:13 pm
Do the BBC have any intention of releasing a dvd box set of the new Britains Secret seas series on BBC2 on a Sunday
Many Thanks
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